Design Of Development
Throughout The District |
Throughout the District
the Council will permit development which is designed to a high standard
and which also complies with other Policies in the Local Plan. Design
includes both the appearance of the development and its relationship
to its surroundings. Planning applications will be assessed in respect
of these matters with regard to the following criteria: |
(a) |
Scale of Development |
Development should be in
scale with its surroundings relating well in terms of overall dimensions
to all features of the townscape or landscape which forms the setting
of the application site. |
The scale of new buildings
should not be at variance with any surrounding buildings, particularly
with regard to frontage width and building height. Elements such as
windows, doors, roofs, shop fronts etc. should relate to one another
in such a way as to maintain the scale and proportions of surrounding
buildings. |
Similarly, extensions to
existing buildings should be designed to respect the scale and proportions
of those buildings. |
(b) |
Height of Development |
The height of new buildings
and structures should generally conform with the height of adjoining
buildings and structures. Where uniform building height is part of
the character of a street, significant variations in the general roof
line or eaves line will not be permitted. In other areas, however,
the continuance of irregular building heights may be desirable where
this is part of the existing character of the street scene. |
The height of structures
relating to telecommunications development is covered by Policies
TD1 and TD2. |
Extensions to existing
buildings should not exceed the height of those buildings. |
(c) |
Siting and Relationship
with Adjoining Buildings and Highways |
The siting of new buildings
and extensions to existing buildings should be in accordance with
the siting of any existing adjoining buildings and if fronting a road,
the scale and alignment of the road in which they are to be located.
(d) |
Relationship of
Development to its Site |
Proposed development should
relate well to the characteristics of the site on which it is to be
located. The size and shape of development should be in proportion
to the size, shape and topography of the site and located within the
site to take account of existing features. Proposed buildings within
the site should be sited to create attractive groupings and spaces
between buildings. The setting of each building should respect that
of any others on the site. |
(e) |
Appearance of Car
Parking and Servicing Areas |
The layout of any development
should not be dominated by access roads, car parking or servicing
areas. Large parking or servicing areas uninterrupted by landscaping
will not be accepted. |
(f) |
Building Materials |
In areas where certain
facing materials predominate, such as bricks of a certain colour,
or slate or clay-tiled roofs, development should use matching or similar
materials. |
Where an existing building
is to be extended, the proposed facing materials should match as closely
as possible those of the original building. |
(g) |
Form of New Buildings
and Extensions |
The form of new buildings
should reflect important features on adjoining buildings which are
important to the character and appearance of the street, eg., bay
windows, gable or hipped roofs and dormer windows. |
Similarly, extensions to
existing buildings should reflect the form of those buildings. |
(h) |
Detailing of Building Work
in Sensitive Locations |
Within Conservation Areas,
Established Residential Areas of Special Character and any other localised
areas where design detail contributes positively to local distinctiveness,
the acceptability of a new building, or an extension to an existing
building, in its setting, may depend on such design details as small
projections, ornamentation, the use of special brickwork, the linking
of particular features on adjoining buildings or the continuation
of walls and fences. The Council will expect such design details to
be incorporated as considered appropriate to the development and its
relationship with its surroundings. |
(i) |
Design Against Crime |
In larger-scale developments,
the Council will expect the design to be aimed at reducing the opportunity
for crime in accordance with current advice. |
(j) |
Other Aspects of Design |
Other related aspects of
"design" are covered by Policies GC2, GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6, TR3, TR15,
TR16, TW3, TW4 to which reference should also be made. |
This Policy also relates
to caravans. |
Sunlighting And Daylighting
Throughout The District |
Throughout the District
the Council will seek to ensure: |
(i) |
that the design and layout
of proposed buildings and extensions to existing buildings enables
adjoining land or buildings to be protected from significant loss
of sunlight and daylight; |
and |
(ii) |
that sufficient sunlight
and daylight reaches into, between and around proposed buildings and
extensions to existing buildings. |
Where either of these criteria
are not met, planning permission will be refused. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
This Policy also relates
to caravans. |
Protection Of Amenities
Throughout The District |
In considering proposals
for development throughout the District, the Council will seek to
achieve good standards of amenity for the future occupiers of that
development and to protect the amenities enjoyed by the occupants
of existing adjoining and neighbouring properties. |
Where amenities are impaired
to a significant degree, planning permission will be refused. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
This Policy also relates
to caravans. |
Landscaping Throughout
The District |
Existing established trees
and hedgerows in sound condition and of good amenity and wildlife
value - together with any other existing landscape features of the
site which are an important part of its character, such as ponds,
should be retained and should be shown on the submitted plans. |
In appropriate cases, planning
applications should include landscaping proposals suitable for the
development proposed and the characteristics of the site, including
details of any service runs and/or changes in ground level. |
Wherever possible the additional
landscaping should enhance existing features of wildlife interest
and planting should use native trees, shrubs, herbs or grasses where
appropriate for the site. |
Planning applications which
do not meet the above criteria, will be refused. |
This Policy applies throughout
the District. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
Development On The
Skyline Throughout The District |
Throughout the District
the Council will not permit development on the skyline unless it is
satisfied that such development will not be visually obtrusive and
disruptive to existing views. |
This Policy does not apply
in the case of developments covered by Policy TD1 in the Telecommunications
Chapter. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
Requirements Of Statutory
Authorities And Similar Undertakings Throughout The District |
All proposed development
throughout the District should comply with the requirements of the
Statutory Authorities and similar undertakings who provide water,
sewerage, electricity, gas, telephone and drainage services. |
Development will not be
permitted unless foul sewers and sewerage treatment works of adequate
capacity and design are available or will be provided in time to serve
that development. |
Development which increases
the requirement for water will not be permitted unless adequate water
resources either already exist or will be provided in time to serve
the development and without deterring existing uses. |
If necessary the Council
will include a condition in any permission granted to phase a development
to ensure that adequate water supply and/or sewerage provision exists
before the development is commenced. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
Noise-Generating Developments
Throughout The District |
Noise-generating development
will not be permitted where the noise levels and/or the noise characteristics
which would result from that development would cause an unacceptable
degree of disturbance to the occupants of any residential or other
noise-sensitive development in the vicinity of the application site.
Noise includes vibrations. |
Noise-sensitive development
includes housing and other types of residential accommodation, hospitals,
schools and colleges and any other development where the occupants
would be particularly sensitive to disturbance by noise. |
The Council will also not
permit any potentially noisy developments which would adversely affect
the quiet enjoyment by visitors of: |
a) |
areas which have remained
relatively undisturbed by noise nuisance and are valued for recreation
and amenity for this reason; |
and/or |
b) |
areas of established importance
for nature conservation as defined in Policy NC1; |
and/or |
c) |
areas containing identified
features of historic heritage value, ie., archaeological sites, Buildings
of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, Conservation Areas,
Parks and Gardens of Special Historic interest. |
Noise levels and characteristics
will be assessed having regard to the advice in Planning Policy Guidance,
PPG24, Planning and Noise, September 1994, Annexes 1, 2 and 3, to
British Standards and Codes of Practice as listed in Appendix 1 in
this Local Plan and to other published sources to which reference
may be made in an individual case. |
Reference may also be made
to Annexes 5 and 6 of PPG24, Planning and Noise, September 1994, in
connection with the specification of conditions. |
Where planning permission
is granted, conditions may be imposed to control the effects of noise
and may relate to the sound insulation of any building, the nature
of activities and the hours of operation, maximising the containment
of noise within buildings, the control of noise arising from external
plant or vehicle movements and specifying the maximum ambient noise
levels at the boundaries of the development site. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, other Policies in this Local Plan
should also be complied with. |
This Policy applies throughout
the District. |
Residential And Other
Noise Sensitive Development In Areas Of High Noise Levels Throughout
The District |
The Council will not accept
proposals for residential and other noise-sensitive development in
areas which are, or are expected to become, subject to high noise
levels and/or disturbing noise characteristics unless, in exceptional
cases, conditions can be imposed in the granting of planning permission
which would achieve mitigation of the effects of that noise and reduce
it to acceptable levels within the application site. |
Noise-sensitive development
is as defined in Policy GC7. |
Noise levels and characteristics
will be assessed as set out in Policy GC7, and reference may also
be made to Annexes 5 and 6 of PPG24, Planning and Noise, September
1994, in connection with the specification of conditions. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, other Policies in this Local Plan
should also be complied with. |
This Policy applies throughout
the District. |
Prevention Of Pollution
Throughout The District |
Throughout the District,
the Council will not grant permission for any development likely to
generate unacceptable levels of air, water or ground pollution or
give rise to pollution problems resulting from the disturbance of
contaminated land. |
The Council will also refuse
any development that would be in close proximity to existing sources
of pollution. |
In appropriate cases the
Council will positively support proposals for the alleviation of pollution.
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
This Policy does not relate
to noise, which is the subject of Policies GC7 and GC8. |
Protection From Flooding
In The Areas As Defined On the Proposals Map And Throughout the District
The Council will not permit
further development, intensification of existing development, or the
raising of land levels in areas at risk from flooding as shown on
the Proposals Map. Exceptionally, where development is permitted in
areas at risk from flooding, appropriate flood protection measures
will be required. |
The Council will not grant
permission for development outside the floodplain which would increase
the risk of flooding downstream due to additional surface water run-off.
Exceptionally, if such development is to be permitted, it must include
appropriate run-off attenuation measures. |
This Policy applies both
in the areas as defined on the Proposals Map in respect of areas liable
to flooding and throughout the District for development outside the
floodplain. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
Water Abstraction Throughout
The District |
Throughout the District
the Council will not permit any development with a requirement for
the abstraction of water from a river, water table, aquifer or other
ground-water source which will significantly reduce the flow of water
to the detriment of water quality, wildlife and amenity. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
Protection Of River
Character - Rivers Chess And Misbourne |
Any development which will
detrimentally affect the character of the District's rivers, river
banks or land in the vicinity of a river, particularly where the development
impinges visually on the riverside landscape, will not be permitted.
The term "river" includes any adjoining marshland, or other related
water feature. |
This Policy applies to the
River Chess and River Misbourne. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
Hazardous Substances
Consent Throughout The District |
When an application for
Hazardous Substances Consent is made, the Council will consider whether
the proposed storage or use of the hazardous substance is appropriate
in the proposed location in terms of the risks to the health and safety
of people living in the surrounding area and the wider implications
for the District's communities. |
If the storage of a hazardous
substance is considered to be unsafe the application will be refused.
This Policy applies throughout
the District. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
Access For Disabled
People To Developments Used By The Public Throughout The District
Throughout the District
the Council will require that all new buildings and associated development
to which the public has access are provided with suitable external
facilities for disabled people as set out in the Policy, insofar as
it is in the circumstances both practicable and reasonable. |
Car parking provision should
be made in accordance with the Council's adopted Vehicle Parking Policy
and Standards as set out in Policies TR11 and TR16, and the development
should incorporate suitable facilities for disabled people to obtain
access from adjacent public highways into and between buildings, and
between buildings and car parks. |
Where planning permission
is sought for the change of use or extension of an existing building
to which the public has access, the Council will also require appropriate
provision to be made for disabled people as set out in the second
clause of this Policy. |
Conditions to ensure the
provision of external facilities for disabled people will be included
in any planning permission granted. |
Where development is acceptable
in accordance with this Policy, planning permission will be granted
provided that other Policies in this Local Plan would also be complied
with. |
New Temporary Buildings
Or Temporary Use Of Land Or Existing Buildings Throughout The District
The Council will grant planning
permission for new temporary buildings, or the temporary use of existing
buildings or land, provided that all the following criteria are met:
(i) |
the proposed building or
use of land would not significantly adversely affect the amenities
of the locality around the application site; |
(ii) |
existing car parking spaces
and manoeuvring and servicing areas within the application site would
be retained; |
(iii) |
additional car parking
spaces in accordance with the Council's adopted standards as set out
in Policy TR16 in the Transport Chapter would be provided to serve
the proposed development for the period during which the temporary
building or temporary use of land is required; |
(iv) |
other Policies in the Local
Plan would be complied with. |
Where a proposal is acceptable
in terms of the above criteria, temporary planning permission will
be granted where the applicant requests such a permission, or the
Council considers that the circumstances relating to the site might
change, or a trial run is required to assess the effect of the development
on the area. |
If the temporary building
or land use continues to be required after a temporary permission
has expired, further applications will be considered on the basis
that a permanent building or use of the land is sought. |
Conditions will be attached
to any temporary planning permission requiring reinstatement of the
land or building to its former condition when the permission expires.
This Policy applies throughout
the District. |
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