To enable the preparation of a sound plan, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council has collated a range of up-to-date information that will underpin and strengthen the Local Development Plan. This evidence base will contain the latest information on the economic, social and environmental characteristics of Rhondda Cynon Taf.
EB1. Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Opinion, 2005
In accordance with the requirements of the SEA regulations the Council prepared a detailed Screening Opinion for the LDP.
EB2. SA/SEA Scoping Report, 2006
The Scoping Report for the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan (LDP) 2006 – 2021. It sets out the key sustainability issues and objectives for the County Borough, and is intended, through consultation to make the plan more sustainable.
EB3. Rhondda Cynon Taf LDP Preferred Strategy, 2007
The Local Development Plan, Preferred Strategy sets out for consultation, the preferred option for the Local Development Plan Spatial Strategy. It represents a strategy for Rhondda Cynon Taf, which sets out the guiding principles for future planning decisions with a spatial vision and spatial objectives for the area, consistent with national and regional planning policy.
EB4. Preferred Strategy Sustainability Appraisal, 2007
This document is the summary of the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report for Rhondda Cynon Taf’s Local Development Plan (2006 – 2021) Preferred Strategy. It describes how the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) process was used to assist in planning for the development and use of land within the County Borough, as required by legislation and government guidance.
EB5. Appropriate Assessment (AA) of the Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council’s Local Development Plan: Preferred Strategy Screening Report, 2007
The report contains the findings of a ‘screening’ process to determine if the Local Development Plan will have a significant adverse effect on Natura 2000 sites or European Sites in and adjacent to the County Borough.
EB6. Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan: Preferred Strategy Regulation 15 Statement of Consultation, 2008
The statement provides a record of the consultation undertaken as part of the Preferred Strategy Process and a summary of the representations received.
EB7. Rhondda Cynon Taf Deposit Draft Local Development Plan 2006 – 2021, 2009
The Local Development Plan (LDP) will provide the development strategy and spatial policy framework for the LDP area over a fifteen-year period to 2021. The Plan will be used by the Council to guide and control development, providing a basis for consistent and appropriate decision-making.
EB8. SA/SEA Deposit Draft Plan Sustainability Appraisal Report, 2009
The SA of Rhondda Cynon Taff’s Deposit Draft Plan has appraised the effects of individual policies, as well as the overall effect of the plan, including cumulative and incremental effects.
EB9. SA/SEA Deposit Draft Plan Non Technical Summary, 2009
This is the summary of the Sustainability Appraisal Report for Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council’s Deposit Draft Plan. It describes how the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) process was used to assist in planning for the development and the use of land, as required by planning legislation and Welsh Government guidance.
EB10. Habitat Regulations Assessment (Appropriate Assessment) Report Draft Deposit LDP, 2009
This report details the HRA (Appropriate Assessment) stage for Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council’s Draft Local Development Plan (LDP). It sets out the methods, findings and conclusions of the Appropriate Assessment.
EB11. Preferred Strategy Statement of Consultation Report, 2009
The purpose of this statement is to provide a record of the consultation undertaken on the Local Development Plan (LDP) Preferred Strategy in January/February 2007. The statement provides a summary of all representations received and a response to the main issues raised.
EB12. Deposit Draft Representations Register, 2009
The register contains full details of the representations received during February/March 2009, in respect of the policies and proposals contained in the Deposit Draft LDP.
EB13. Alternative Site Representations Register, 2009
The register contains full details of the representations received during June/July 2009, in respect of sites contained in the Alternative Sites Consultation Register.
EB14. Representations Responses Register, 2009
The register contains the Council’s response and recommendations to all representations received to the Deposit Draft LDP and Alternative Sites Consultation Register. A response has also been provided to representations received on the SA/SEA.
EB15. Sustainability appraisal / strategic environmental assessment of Focussed Proposed Changes, 2009
The Council has prepared Focussed Changes to its Deposit Draft LDP (January 2010). These changes have been reviewed by Enfusion as part of the ongoing Sustainability Appraisal (SA) process to determine whether there are likely to be any significant sustainability effects arising from the changes to the plan.
EB16. Delivery Agreement revised, 2010
The purpose of the Delivery Agreement is to provide details of the timetable for the production of the Local Development Plan and establish a full and continuous approach to community engagement and involvement in the preparation of the Local Development Plan.
EB17. Statement of Focussed Changes, 2010
This document sets out Focussed Changes, and consequential amendments, that the Council considers appropriate to make to the LDP following consideration of the representations received during the Deposit and Alternative Site consultations and changes in circumstances since the publication of the Deposit LDP.
EB18. Habitats Regulations Assessment (Appropriate Assessment) Report, 2010
This report, prepared by consultants ‘Enfusion’, details the HRA Appropriate Assessment stage for Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council’s (RCT) Local Development Plan (LDP). It sets out the methods and findings and the conclusions of the Appropriate Assessment. Further to the HRA Appropriate Assessment as listed above as EB10, this report undertakes further screening and assessment subsequent to the Deposit stage consultation representations.
EB19. Urban Capacity Study Upper and Central Rhondda, 2005
The study outlines the findings of the Urban Capacity Study undertaken to review the availability of developable land in the central and upper Rhondda Valleys.
EB20. Candidate Site Assessment Methodology, 2006
The Candidate Site Assessment Methodology has been developed by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to reflect guidance from the Welsh Government. The Candidate Site Assessment Methodology document sets out the preferred methodology for the consideration of land for development in the emerging Local Development Plan. In doing so, it identifies the guiding principles for establishing potential new site allocations, consistent with national and regional planning policy and Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environment Assessment objectives.
EB21. Candidate Sites Register, 2007
The Candidate Sites Register provides details of all the sites submitted to the Council for inclusion in the LDP process.
EB22. Findings of the Candidate Site Assessment Process, 2009
The document contains the detailed findings of each stage of the Candidate Site Process. The document provides a detailed assessment of each site including a constraints sustainability appraisal and the results of consultation with special consultation bodies.
EB23. Alternative Site Consultation Register, 2009
The Alternative Site Register sets out the site allocation representations that were received during the consultation on the Deposit Draft Local Development Plan. The register is in four parts; a site index, new sites for inclusion in the LDP, proposed amendments to the settlement boundary and sites proposed for deletion from the LDP.
EB24. Delivery Agreement Consultation Record, 2005
This document is a record of the engagement and consultation exercises that the Council undertook in the development of its Delivery Agreement between June and November 2005.
EB25. Report on the findings of visioning workshop, 2006
The purpose of this report is to record and analyse the information and opinions gathered at two visioning workshops; one with elected members and the second with key stakeholders, which included representatives from a wide range of organisations. The report provided the Council with a clear indication of the views and wishes of those attending the workshops and a basis on which to undertake further consultation with the wider community.
EB26. LDP Forum Event Record, 2006
The Local Development Plan Forum Event Record is a summary of key points from three Local Development Plan Visioning Workshops with Council Members, Community Representatives and key stakeholders. The purpose of the workshops was threefold; to identify the main issues that the Local Development Plan would need to address, to begin considering how these issues would be addressed through various future development strategies and finally to discuss the three main aspects of the draft Preferred Strategy.
EB27. Placemaking Event Record, 2007
This document is a record of the Placemaking workshops that the Council undertook during August and September 2007. The record outlines the Councils discussions and preparations of the concept plans for the strategic sites, which are a key part of the Councils Preferred Strategy.
EB28. Event record of pre-deposit consultation with key infrastructure providers, 2008
In order for key infrastructure providers to make representations to allocations in the Draft Deposit Draft LDP the Council has undertook a pre-deposit public consultation. This is a record of the process of consultation with key infrastructure providers and the representations received.
EB29. Sustainability Appraisal Targets & Indicators Consultation, 2008
In order for a Monitoring Strategy to be prepared that will observe the sustainability effects of the Local Development Plan (LDP), the Council developed and consulted on an up-to-date set of targets and indicators, to meet monitoring requirements for both the LDP and the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) process. The consultation sought the views of neighbouring local authorities in Southeast Wales, consultees, members of the public and internal Council departments on the 21 Sustainability Appraisal Targets and Indicators.
EB30. LDP Forum Event Record, 2008
This document is a record of a meeting of the LDP Forum that was held on the 17th November 2008 at the Valleys Innovation Centre, Abercynon to discuss policy refinement in the Deposit Draft Local Development Plan (LDP).
EB31. Minutes of the Housing delivery workshop, 2009
The housing deliverability workshop sought the views of house builders and developers with regards to the deliverability of the allocated housing sites and the timescale for the delivery within the plan period.
EB32. Rhondda Cynon Taf Progress Report on Population and Dwelling Projection, 2006
The population and household projections provides the detailed statistical basis from which the dwelling requirement figure for the LDP is derived. The projections use the ‘Chelmer’ model and forecast population, household and dwelling requirement rates for Rhondda Cynon Taf.
EB33. Rhondda Cynon Taf 2006 Housing Needs Assessment, 2006
Fordham Research were commissioned by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to undertake a Housing Needs Assessment Study to assess the future requirements for both affordable and market housing across all tenures, areas and client groups in the local community.
EB34. South East Wales Regional Housing Apportionment Seminar, 2007
In accordance with the guidance contained in Planning Policy Wales, the Council as part of the South East Wales Planning Group (SEWPG) has been involved in the process of apportioning housing land requirement for the South East Wales region. The process requires SEWPG to work with a range of stakeholders to agree population and household projections and the apportionment of these projections for each Local Authority area in the region. The process was completed in summer 2007. The results of the process informed the development of the housing land requirements of the emerging Rhondda Cynon Taf LDP.
EB35. Joint Housing Land Availability Study, 2007
This study, prepared by Welsh Government under TAN 1 and published in July 2008, assesses the availability of land for housing development in the plan area at 01/04/07 against the requirement for a 5-year land supply.
EB36. Housing Matters - Local Housing Strategy for Rhondda Cynon Taf 2007 – 2012 (2007)
Rhondda Cynon Taf’s Local Housing Strategy aims to provide a strategic framework that ensures all citizens in Rhondda Cynon Taf have access to decent, affordable housing and safe living environments.
EB37. Rhondda Cynon Taf Affordable Housing viability Study Final Report, 2009
This guidance was prepared for the Council by Three Dragons, using their viability testing method (EB115). The LDP area is divided into 4 housing sub market areas, and the broad effects on viability of land values, density of development and grant availability are considered.
EB38. Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan 2006 - 2021 Assessment of Housing Requirements and delivery (NLP), 2009
This report for the Council by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners tests the LDP proposed housing land supply against the 2006-based population and household forecasts. The deliverability of the proposed housing land allocations is considered.
EB39. Rhondda Cynon Taf Economic Development Prospects and Employment Land Implications, 2006
The study analysed the demand for employment land within the County Borough, as well as reviewing the current employment land offer and supply that may be available in the future. Critically, the study builds upon the Review of the Economic Regeneration Strategy of Rhondda Cynon Taf (2006) and incorporates the future needs of key growth sectors within the County Borough.
EB40. Review of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Economic Regeneration Strategy, 2006
This report seeks to provide an up-to-date review and detailed information relating to the progress of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Economic Regeneration Strategy.
EB41. Employment Land Review (NLP), 2008
Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners have been appointed by the Council to undertake an employment land study to the Local Development Plan. The study is intended to assist the Council in its consideration of the existing economic position within the area; in making decisions on the amount of land that is required to deliver its economic aspirations; and in assessing the need to allocate new land or release existing land to achieve a balanced portfolio of sites.
EB42. Rhondda Cynon Taf Employment Land Availability Schedule, 2008
This document sets out the situation regarding the availability of land for employment related development in Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council up to the 1st January 2008.
EB43. Employment Land Review - Availability Schedule, 2009
This document sets out the situation regarding the availability of land for employment related development in the Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council area up to the 1st April 2009.
EB44. Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation in RCT – Site Descriptions, 2008
Prepared by the Council’s Countryside section, the report gives full detail of the updated designation of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation. It outlines the flora and fauna that exist on the land, the scale and location of the designation along with the specific features of the site that qualify it for designation, as identified by regionally agreed criteria (see EB46).
EB45. Rhondda Cynon Taff Earth Science Audit, 2003 – 2004 (2004)
This document outlines the audit of 565 Earth Science sites throughout Rhondda Cynon Taf and considers locations / outcrop areas with current and / or potential for geoconservation. The study identifies the sites recommended for Regionally Important Geological Site status as shown on the Proposals Map.
EB46. Criteria for the Selection of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation in the County Boroughs of Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taff (the ‘Mid-Valleys Area’), 2008
This document has been produced to identify consistent criteria to identify Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC’s) for the above Local Authorities. It was used in the re-assessment of the SINC’s in Rhondda Cynon Taf in 2008, the results of which are shown on the Constraints map and listed in Appendix 1 E.
EB47. A Local Biodiversity Action Plan for Rhondda Cynon Taf, 2000
The Local Biodiversity Action Plan will aim to conserve and enhance the biodiversity of the County Borough and will report to a wider biodiversity partnership.
EB48. Development of Criteria for Special Landscape Area Designation for South East Wales Local Authorities, 2007
The strategy commissioned by a consortium of South East Wales Planning Authorities outlines a methodology for analysing and designating Special Landscape Areas.
EB49. Proposals for Designation of Special Landscape Areas in Rhondda Cynon Taf, 2008
The study provides a detailed analysis of the landscape characteristics of Rhondda Cynon Taf and makes recommendations about areas to be designated as Special Landscape Areas in the LDP.
EB50. Greenspace Provision Report, 2007
The study undertaken in 2007 assessed the provision of green space within Rhondda Cynon Taf.
EB51. Open Space and Play/Sport Area Provision Report, 2007
The study undertaken in 2007 assessed the provision of open space and play / sport area provision in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
EB52. SEWBREC Biodiversity Information Search Results, 2009
This comprehensive survey report, prepared by the South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre, includes an inventory of all species of flora, fauna and nature conservation designations that exist within, and within 500 metres of, all LDP development allocation sites.
EB53. Tourism Opportunities Study for the Heads of the Valleys Area of Rhondda Cynon Taf Final Report, 2007
The study identified and evaluated the potential tourism opportunities within the defined Heads of the Valleys area of Rhondda Cynon Taf (the Study Area).
EB54. Rhondda Cynon Taf Tourism Strategy: Reaching Destination Rhondda Cynon Taf 2007 – 2013 (2007)
The Tourism Unit of Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council generated the tourism strategy with a vision to improve the profile and “tourism offer” of Rhondda Cynon Taf so that prospective visitors would believe the County Borough to be one of the UK’s short break destinations by 2013.
EB55. Out and About, The Rights of Way Improvement Plan for Rhondda Cynon Taf, 2007
The Out and About Plan is the final stage in the Rights of Way Improvement Plan process. The Assessment quantifies the extent of the countryside access network available for public recreation and enjoyment.
EB56. Cynon Valley River Park Draft Strategy, 2007
The Cynon Valley River Park is a floodplain environment on the valley floor that stretches from Rhigos and Penderyn in the north to Abercynon in the south. The Cynon Valley River Park Strategy updates the original concept, taking into account changes in the planning context, new development proposals and community aspirations, the adopted Local Biodiversity Action Plan and the Heads of the Valleys environmental programme.
EB57. Rhondda Cynon Taf Leisure Study, 2008
Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners have been appointed by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to undertake an assessment of indoor leisure provision within the Borough.
EB58. Rhondda Cynon Taf Household Leisure Patterns Report (NLP), 2008
This report for the Council by Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners examines the pattern of use of leisure facilities based on a household survey and identifies future needs.
EB59. Rhondda Cynon Taf Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment, 2008
Scott Wilson were commissioned by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council with assistance from the Environment Agency (Wales) in 2008 to prepare a Strategic Flood Consequences Assessment, principally of the 8 LDP strategic sites and Treforest Industrial Estate.
EB60. Robertstown Broad Level Flood Consequences Assessment, 2010
Scott Wilson prepared this report for the Council to meet the TAN 15 Development and Flood Risk (2004) requirement for assessment of the flood consequences of the employment and leisure allocation in the Robertstown / Abernant Strategic Site.
EB61. Rhondda Cynon Taf LDP Surface Water Analysis, 2010
The aim of this report is to provide the Council with an outline analysis of draft LDP land allocations, including Strategic Sites that are potentially constrained by surface water flood risk.
EB62. Porth Town Centre Regeneration Strategy, 2003
The Council commissioned Camlin Lonsdale to produce a strategy that provided a focused plan, achieved consensus within the town centre community, defines agreed actions, identifies implementation costs and potential programmes and accommodates all existing proposals for the Porth-Lower Rhondda Fach Relief Road.
EB63. Treorchy Town Centre Regeneration Strategy, 2003
Produced by Wyn Thomas, Gordon Lewis, the Regeneration Strategy for Treorchy Town Centre sets a vision for Treorchy that addresses the three main issues of new development opportunities within and around the town centre; the enhancement of the retail centre of the town through physical works and recommendations on management and promotion activities; and, the full range of transportation issues affecting the town.
EB64. Pontypridd Regeneration Strategy Final Report, 2005
The Regeneration Strategy for Pontypridd Town Centre was prepared by Atkins in order to place current activity and future opportunities into the context of a single ‘Framework document’, and to create a comprehensive and co-ordinated long term (10 year) strategy for the development of the town.
EB65. Llantrisant Old Town Regeneration Strategy, 2005
The Council commissioned Hyder Consulting (UK) Ltd in partnership with Davies Sutton Architects and Geoff Broom Associates to produce a Regeneration Strategy for Llantrisant Old Town. The purpose of the strategy is to show the way forward for the regeneration of Llantrisant’s Old Town, so that it can maximise its potential as the principal “gateway” settlement into the Taff Ely Vale and positively utilise the Old Town’s unique historic attributes to act as a catalyst for the regeneration of the Rhondda Cynon Taff area.
EB66. Tonyrefail Town Centre Regeneration Strategy, 2006
The Council commissioned Hyder Consulting (UK) Ltd in June 2005 to produce a Regeneration Strategy for Tonyrefail Town Centre. The brief set the task of formulating a fully costed strategy for the regeneration of Tonyrefail, setting the context for new development opportunities and creating a thriving and vibrant town centre which meets the needs of the expanding population in the area.
EB67. Ferndale Regeneration Strategy, 2006
Prepared by consultants RPS, the aim of the strategy is to provide a framework for Rhondda Cynon Taff and local representative community led groups to co-ordinate regeneration activity and to promote events in Ferndale. This would include new development opportunities within and around the town centre. Enhancing the retail centre of the town through physical works and recommendations on management and promotion activities. Addressing the range of transportation issues affecting the town and developing the tourism potential of the area.
EB68. Mountain Ash Town Centre Regeneration Strategy, 2002
Atkins were commissioned by the Council on behalf of the Mountain Ash Town Forum to prepare a regeneration strategy for Mountain Ash town centre. Funded by the Welsh Development Agency, the aim of the study was to formulate a strategy for the regeneration of the town, thus setting the context for new development opportunities and creating a thriving and vibrant town centre.
EB70. Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Retail Capacity Assessment Quantitative Update, 2008
The study commissioned on behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to prepare this quantitative retail study update. The study assesses the quantitative scope for new retail floorspace in RCT in the period 2007 – 2021. The report sets out the methodology adopted for this analysis and provides a quantitative capacity analysis in terms of levels of spending for convenience and comparison-shopping.
EB71. Rhondda Cynon Taf Retail Study: Supplementary Report on Proposed Town Centre Llantrisant, 2008
The study commissioned on behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to produce a supplementary report to the 2007 Quantitative Update of the RCT Retail Study. In the process of producing the Local Development Plan, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council has considered a new retail centre in Mwyndy / Talbot Green, and consideration has therefore been given to what, if any would be an appropriate size, function and format of the new centre.
EB72. Explanatory Memorandum on LDP Retail Evidence following changes to Pontypridd Commitments, 2009
Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners provided the Council with advice on the implications for the LDP of the approval of the smaller Riverside scheme in place of the Angharad Walk scheme in central Pontypridd.
EB73. Hanson’s Aggregates Background Documents
A), Assessment of Environmental Effects of blasting at Craig yr Hesg quarry, 2004.
This report was prepared by consultants ‘Vibroc Ltd’ on behalf of Hansons Aggregates, as supporting information for the Candidate Site at Craig yr Hesg quarry. It details the blasting process undertaken in hard-rock quarries in general terms and specifically how such operations take place at the existing quarry.
B) Extension to Craig Yr Hesg Quarry Briefing Note 2008
This Briefing note was prepared by consultants ‘White young Green’ on behalf of Hansons Aggregates. It outlines the current operational processes at the quarry including details of production. It sets out the requirements of national and regional minerals policies in relation to ensuring future production and the suitability of Craig yr Hesg to achieve this.
C) Craig Yr Hesg Quarry landscape and visual appraisal of proposed extension site 2006
Produced by consultants ‘White Young Green’ on behalf of Hansons Aggregates’, the report gives details of the physical landform changes that would result from the proposed quarry extension site.
EB74. Regional Waste Plan 1st Review, 2008
The Regional Waste Plan 1st Review is a non-statutory plan prepared through a voluntary joint arrangement of 11 Local Planning Authorities with the assistance of other key stakeholders. Once endorsed by each of the Local Planning Authorities and agreed by the Welsh Assembly Government, the RWP 1st Review will become a strategic framework for the preparation of Local Development Plans and a material consideration in the development control process.
EB75. Regional Technical Statement for the area covered by the South Wales Aggregates Working Party, 2008
The main purpose of the statement is to set out the strategy for the provision of aggregates in the South Wales region for the period until 2021. It sets out on a Minerals Planning Authority basis, where allocations for future aggregate provision is required to ensure a 10 year landbank of aggregates throughout the LDP plan period.
EB76. Minerals Background Paper, 2009
This background paper has been prepared to give detailed clarification of, and outline the evidence behind, the formulation of the Deposit Plan’s minerals policies.
EB77. Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan 2006 – 2021: Renewable Energy Study, 2005
The aim of the Renewable Energy Study is to briefly examine the opportunities and constraints to the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency within the County Borough of Rhondda Cynon Taf, to inform decision-making in the formation of policies on renewable energy for the Local Development Plan 2006 – 2021.
EB78. TAN 8 Annex D Study of Strategic Search Areas E and F: South Wales Valleys Final Report, 2006
The study commissioned by a consortium of South Wales Authorities seeks to analyse and retrieve the strategic search area for the harnessing of energy and wind power contained in TAN 8 Planning for Renewable Energy (2005).
EB79. Access, Circulation and Parking Study, 2007
The study was commissioned by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council to establish an evidence base from which modern highway standards in relation to access, parking and circulation will assist in meeting wider regeneration objectives in the County Borough.
EB80. Strategic Transport Assessment, 2007
Hyder Consulting were commissioned by the Council to assess eight strategic sites in terms of their associated traffic impact upon the strategic highway network. This report has addressed the transport implications of forecast development on the eight strategic sites.
EB81. Strategic Transport Corridors Infrastructure Needs Studies, 2009
In March 2008 Hyder was commissioned by the to develop a traffic model to establish the baseline traffic situation along the A4119 and A473 corridors. It was also a requirement to assess the degree of highway improvements to the strategic highway network that would be needed to accommodate the likely traffic volumes that will result from the development of strategic and candidate sites put forward for consideration in the emerging Local Development Plan.
EB82. LDP Cabinet, Council and DC Committee Reports
This document provides a list of references to LDP documents at various stages of the LDP process in the Council’s Cabinet, Council and Development Control Committee reports dating back to when work began on the preparation of the LDP.
EB83. Housing Land Topic Paper, 2007
The LDP: Housing Land Topic Paper (January 2007) provides the statistical analysis and background to the dwelling requirement figures contained in the LDP: Preferred Strategy. In doing so the topic paper examines population and house building trends in Rhondda Cynon Taf and outlines population and dwelling requirements for the plan period.
EB84. Employment Land Topic Paper, 2007
This Topic Paper sets out the statistical background analysis and justification for the scale of land allocations identified in the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan 2006-2021: Preferred Strategy document.
EB85. Climate Change Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper sets out the national and regional planning policy context relating to climate change. It then guides the formulation of draft LDP policies for the topic, giving consideration to local circumstances and characteristics.
EB86. Design Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper sets out the national and regional planning policy context relating to Design. It then guides the formulation of draft LDP policies for the topic, giving consideration to local circumstances and characteristics.
EB87. Transportation Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper sets out the national and regional planning policy context relating to Transportation. It then guides the formulation of draft LDP policies for the topic, giving consideration to local circumstances and characteristics.
EB88. Employment Topic Paper, 2008
The topic paper will develop draft LDP policies, which will set out the policy framework for the delivery of employment sites. The paper should be read in conjunction with the Employment Land Requirement Topic Paper (Jan 2007).
EB89. Green Wedge Topic Paper, 2008
The purpose of this topic paper is to determine green wedge designations and associated draft policies in the Local Development Plan (LDP) 2006-2021.
EB90. Town Centre Topic Paper, 2008
The purpose of this topic paper is to set out the background and suggested draft town centre policies to form part of the Local Development Plan (LDP) 2006-2021.
EB91. Waste Management Topic Paper, 2008
This purpose of this Topic Paper is to develop the draft LDP policies which will set out the policy framework for land use aspects of waste disposal and make provision for facilities for waste management in Rhondda Cynon Taff.
EB92. Tourism Topic Paper, 2008
The purpose of this Topic Paper is to set out the background and suggested Draft Tourism Policies to form part of the Local Development Plan (LDP) 2006-2021.
EB93. Leisure & Recreation Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper sets out the national and regional planning policy context relating to leisure and recreation. It then guides the formulation of draft LDP policies for the topic, giving consideration to local circumstances and characteristics.
EB94. Housing Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper reviews the issues relating to provision of housing land, and proposes policies for the Draft LDP.
EB95. Infrastructure Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper sets out the national and regional planning policy context relating to infrastructure. It then guides the formulation of draft LDP policies for the topic, giving consideration to local circumstances and characteristics.
EB96. Retail Topic Paper, 2008
This draft topic paper, originally prepared in 2007, proposes retail policies for the Draft LDP. Retail planning commitments are summarised and retail centre boundaries are reviewed.
EB97. Renewable Energy Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper sets out the national and regional planning policy context relating to Renewable Energy. It then guides the formulation of draft LDP policies for the topic, giving consideration to local circumstances and characteristics.
EB98. Natural Environment Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper sets out the national and regional planning policy context for the natural environment and nature conservation. It then guides the formulation of draft LDP policies for the topic, giving consideration to local circumstances and characteristics.
EB99. Minerals Topic Paper, 2008
This topic paper sets out the national and regional policy context relating to minerals planning issues. It then guides the formulation of draft LDP policies for the topic, giving consideration to local circumstances and characteristics.
EB100. Design and Placemaking (SPG), 2010
The SPG sets out placemaking and design guidance aimed at raising the standards of development to help deliver new sustainable communities and to ensure that new development makes a positive contribution to regenerating existing communities in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
EB101. The Historic Built Environment (SPG) 2010
This Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) gives detailed guidance to owners and occupiers of land and buildings within the historic built environment, and anyone wishing to develop within it or make alterations to it, and is a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications.
EB102. Design in Town Centres (SPG), 2010
This SPG provides guidance is for owners/occupiers of town centre heritage properties within Rhondda Cynon Taf who are considering alterations and repairs to their buildings. The SPG will also provide the Council with assistance when in discussion with owners/occupiers and when considering planning applications.
EB103. A Design Guide for Householder Development (SPG), 2010
This document sets out design guidance for householders and aims to raise the standard of householder development to ensure that new development makes a positive contribution to regenerating communities in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
EB104. Affordable Housing (SPG), 2010
This SPG provides greater detail on the affordable housing requirements in the policies of the LDP.
EB105. Nature Conservation (SPG), 2010
This Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) for Nature Conservation has been produced in conjunction with the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan and provides additional guidance to support the policies, allocations and constraints identified in the Plan relating to biodiversity, soil and earth science features.
EB106. Planning Obligations (SPG), 2010
The aim of this Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) is to provide a clear picture of what types of obligations developers may be expected to contribute towards, the likely amounts of these obligations and the trigger points at which different obligations will be sought by the Council. It will form the basis of negotiations between all parties.
EB107. Delivering Design and Placemaking (SPG), 2010
This SPG provides details of requirements under the LDP for transport tariff payments, transport assessments, travel plans, parking requirements, the design of roads and paths and commuted sums payments.
EB108. Roles & Functions of Settlements Paper, 2008
This background paper demonstrates why specific towns and villages have been identified as principal towns and key settlements and sets out the methodology used to develop the settlement hierarchy. To do this, the paper outlines what are ‘sustainable’ settlements, the settlement hierarchy of Rhondda Cynon Taf, the methodology used to record the services/facilities/uses that identify principal towns, key settlements, and local and neighbourhood centres, a record of the services/facilities/uses that define the settlements in the hierarchy and their role in the Wider Region.
EB109. Preferred Strategy Background Paper, 2008
The topic paper outlines the current and emerging policy context for the Core Strategy, responses to the Representations received to the strategy outlined in the LDP: Preferred Strategy, and draft LDP Policy, which outlines a core strategy amended in light of the changes to the policy context and the representations.
EB110. Settlement Strategy Background Paper, 2009
This paper provides explanations of how the settlement strategy for the Local Development Plan (LDP) was developed; the role different settlements in the hierarchy will play in delivering the Preferred Strategy and the development and role of the settlement boundaries in the strategy.
EB111. Strategic Sites Background Paper – Final, 2010
This paper describes the background to the definition of the 8 strategic sites listed in the LDP Preferred Strategy. A list of relevant evidence, details of consideration of alternatives, a summary of the infrastructure issues and a sensitivity test to changes in the proposals are provided.
EB112. Targets & Indicators Background Paper, 2010
The purpose of this background paper is to explain how the LDP has been prepared to provide both certainty and flexibility in its application and explain the framework that will be used to monitor the implementation of the LDP.
EB113. SEWSPG Habit Regulations Assessment - A Toolkit to support HRA Screening & Appropriate Assessment of Plans, 2008
This Toolkit has been produced by Enfusion Ltd to provide the members of the South East Wales Strategic Planning Group (SEWSPG) with a simple, clear, systematic method to support planners in the completion of robust and compliant Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) Screening and full Appropriate Assessment if necessary.
EB114. Record of Development of Preferred Strategy, 2007
The purpose of this paper is to outline the policy context and stages undertaken to prepare the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan (LDP) Preferred Strategy. The paper details the factors and discussions that have both informed and shaped the Preferred Strategy between January– November 2006.
EB115. SEWSPG - Guidance on Preparing Affordable Housing Viability Studies, 2009
This guidance was prepared by Three Dragons for the South East Wales Strategic Planning Group. It provides a method for testing the viability of housing proposals.
EB116. A Better Life Our Community Plan 2004 – 2014, 2004
“A Better Life” is the Community Plan for Rhondda Cynon Taf and sets out a framework for creating a brighter future for everyone who lives and works in Rhondda Cynon Taf. A range of local partners, through the Rhondda Cynon Taf Better Life Consortium, developed the Community Plan.
EB117. Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Contaminated Land Strategy, 2004
Outlines the Council’s Strategy for dealing with land contamination within the Borough.
EB118. Children and Young People’s Plan for Rhondda Cynon Taf, 2008 – 2011 (2008)
Fframwaith, the Children and Young People’s Partnership, with the help of local children and their families, have produced the first Children and Young People’s Plan for Rhondda Cynon Taf. The Plan is designed to meet the needs of children and young people living in our communities, through collaboration with local agencies and services for children.
EB119. Hirwaun Village Study, 2008 (NLP)
The study provides a detailed analysis of the socio-economic characteristics of Hirwaun and makes recommendations about the potential growth of the settlement.
EB120. Llanharan Village Study, 2008 (NLP)
The study provides a detailed analysis of the socio-economic characteristics of Llanharan and makes recommendations about the potential growth of the settlement.
EB121. Health Social Care and Well-Being Strategy, 2008-2011 (2008)
The Health Social Care and Well-Being Strategy, 2008 - 2011 is the second strategy to be developed by the Health, Social Care and Well-Being Partnership Board to tackle the underlying causes of ill health and health inequality in deprived areas. The strategy reviews what has been achieved to date and prioritises the next stages to improve access to healthcare and quality of life for local residents.
EB122. Rhondda Cynon Taf Planning Obligations Review Final Report, 2005
The study provides detailed research and analysis of the form and application of planning obligations. The document provides the basis for the development of LDP policy.
EB123. Draft Retail & Leisure Development: Approach to Site Selection, 2008
This paper provides the background details of the process of selection of sites allocated in the LDP for retail and leisure development.
EB124. Retail Study – Rhondda Cynon Taf Household Survey, 2006
This data on household shopping patterns was compiled by NEMS Market Research for Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners, to inform the Rhondda Cynon Taf Retail Capacity Assessment Quantitative Update (EB70).
EB125. Draft Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment, 2007
The Council commissioned an analysis of existing data sources in November 2006 in relation to Gypsy and Traveller accommodation and this report sets out the results. The report identifies the existing data sources and presents findings from these sources and a short questionnaire. It sets the findings within a context for Rhondda Cynon Taf.
EB126. ‘Live. Grow. Aspire. Achieve’, Rhondda Cynon Taf Community Strategy (2010 – 2020), 2010
The strategy sets out the vision for Rhondda Cynon Taf and describes some of the things partners in the County Borough will do to make Rhondda Cynon Taf one of the best places to live, work and visit in South Wales.