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12.1     A number of the policies used in the development control process relate to detailed matters of design and amenity. These policies are supplementary to those contained in this document and will be included in a Development Control Supplementary Planning Document. Such matters include policies regarding detailed design, shop fronts, advertisements, listed and other historic buildings, and landscaping.



12.2     The General Development Policy aims to ensure that all development is of high quality, efficient in its use of resources, including land, and integrates sympathetically into its surroundings in physical and visual terms, and indeed contributes positively to the quality of life and to the environment in Middlesbrough.

12.3            Planning applications will be required to include a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) for all development:

  1. within the Environment Agency’s Flood Zones 2 and 3;
  2. within catchments where there are known local drainage issues downstream; and/or
  3. greater than 1 hectare in size within the Environment Agency’s Flood Zone 1.        

The FRA should be submitted at the same time as the planning application. The detail included in the FRA should follow the FRA pro-forma in Appendix C of Development and Flood Risk: A Practice Guide Companion to Planning Policy Statement 25. Guidance is also available on, in CIRIA Report C624 Development and Flood Risk – Guidance for the Construction Industry (2004) and in the Tees Valley Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2007) on


In the determination of planning applications, unless there is a specific and acceptable reason for an exception to be made, all development proposals will be required to take account of, or satisfy, as a minimum the following principles:


  1. there is sufficient information supplied to enable the Council to determine the application;
  2. the visual appearance and layout of the development and its relationship with the surrounding area in terms of scale, design and materials will be of a high quality;
  3. the effect upon the surrounding environment and amenities of occupiers of nearby properties will be minimal both during and after completion;
  4. there is limited impact upon the capacity of existing and proposed transportation infrastructure both during and after completion, with no impact on highway safety being evident at all throughout the development process;
  5. the effect on protected open space within the urban area, Green Wedges, the countryside beyond the limit to development, and the best and most versatile agricultural land is limited both during and after completion;
  6. the effect on levels of air, water, land or noise pollution of the environment is limited both during and after completion; and
  7. emphasis is placed upon the use of sustainable construction methods and environmentally sound resources and materials.

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