Policies |
The spatial strategy for Chiltern District aims to protect the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Green Belt by focusing new development between 2006 and 2026 on land within existing settlements not covered by those designations. The built-up areas of the most accessible of these settlements: Chesham; Amersham/Amersham-on-the Hill; Chalfont St Peter and Little Chalfont will be the main focus for development. Limited development will take place in other villages excluded from the Green Belt, namely Chalfont St Giles; Great Missenden; Prestwood and Heath End; Holmer Green; Penn and Knotty Green; Chesham Bois and Seer Green. Some redevelopment and infilling is planned for identified developed sites in the Green Belt. Very little development is intended elsewhere. |
The Council and its partners will facilitate the delivery of between 2,650 and 2,900 net additional dwellings within Chiltern District between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2026. The broad pattern of development will be as follows: |
Settlement Type |
Combined Number of Dwellings* |
Built-up areas of the Main Settlements for Growth (Chesham, Amersham/Amersham-on-the-Hill, Little Chalfont and Chalfont St Peter)
1,685-1,935 |
Built-up areas of other villages excluded from the Green Belt (i.e. Chalfont St Giles, Great Missenden, Prestwood & Heath End, Holmer Green, Penn & Knotty Green, Chesham Bois, Seer Green) |
550 |
Major Developed Sites in Green Belt (Policy CS7) |
345 |
Green Belt Villages and Infill in Rows of Dwellings |
70 |
2,650-2,900 |
New commercial development, including additional retail floorspace, and additional employment floorspace (primarily on existing employment sites), will be focused in the four main centres for growth. There is likely to be some additional employment at the MDS site at Chalfont Grove and very limited new employment in rural areas where buildings are converted (see Policy CS19). New leisure, community and health facilities (some on existing B Use Class sites) would be largely in the four main centres for growth. Specialist housing under Policy CS12 will also be largely in the four main centres for growth. Medical facilities and specialist residential and nursing homes might also be developed on the MDS site, the National Society for Epilepsy at Chalfont St Peter. |
To ensure long-term sustainability of development and help contribute towards national targets to reduce overall CO2 emissions, the Council will expect all new developments to have regard to the sustainable development principles set out in Table 1 below. |
TABLE 1: Sustainability Principles for Chiltern District
- Locations which are easily accessible by public transport, walking and cycling and which are provided with fast broadband services to reduce reliance on the car;
- Maximum use of previously developed land, achieving higher densities in accessible locations, making the best use of existing transport infrastructure and services;
- Safer access for all types of transport and pedestrians;
- Minimal disruption in terms of water, noise and light pollution in the wider environment;
- Minimal impact on designated local Air Quality Management Areas (AQMA);
- Waste management and resource efficiency, being located within existing recycling service networks or providing new recycling and waste management facilities within the development;
- Use of renewable energy technology sources wherever required under CS5;
- Use of water efficiency measures during construction projects and as part of new development to reduce consumption and ensure no detrimental impact on water quality;
- Maximum re-use of construction and demolition materials and the use of locally produced building materials wherever possible;
- Assessment of surface water drainage impacts and the inclusion of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDs) which consider all SUDs options and ground conditions, under advice set out in national policy. The design and consideration of SUDs in the Critical Drainage Areas should be given particular attention so that it will not increase the risk of flooding within the site and to adjoining land/ properties;
- Reduced risk of flooding in appropriate circumstances as a result of the new development;
- Preservation and enhancement of nature conservation interests and important features of the natural environment such as rivers, streams, river corridors, flood plains, trees, hedgerows, ensuring there is a net gain in the Districts biodiversity resources by meeting the targets in the national and local Biodiversity Action Plans as required under Policy CS24 of this Strategy;
- Protection and enhancement of the historic and cultural heritage of the District including significant assets of the historic environment such as archaeological sites, historic buildings and settlements, designated landscapes, commons, ancient woodlands and hedgerows.
- Remediation of contaminated land, including treatment of contaminated material in line with national policy advice;
- Incorporation of cycle and vehicle parking appropriate to the needs of the site;
- Travel plans for any residential development of over eighty dwellings and for other development as defined by the local transport authority in its published document (including updates) Travel Plan Guidance for Developers
- Efficient and sustainable use of soils including taking account of the presence of the best and most versatile agricultural land when siting new development. Soil function should be maintained as far as practicable through sustainable urban drainage systems, including amongst other things, the use of water-permeable treatments for hard surfaces, thus avoiding unnecessary soil compaction and paving over soil;
- The creation of safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder or fear of crime does not undermine quality of life or community cohesion;
- Active contribution to the national targets for reducing CO2 emissions set out in paragraph 8.3.
Stand Alone Schemes |
Proposals for stand alone renewable energy generation schemes will be encouraged and permitted where individually, or cumulatively, there are no significant adverse effects on:
- The surrounding landscape, townscape and historical features / areas;
- Residential amenity;
- Highway safety; and
- Designated nature conservation or biodiversity interests.
Renewable Energy in New Developments |
In developments of more than 10 dwellings or 1,000 square metres of non-residential floorspace, the Council will require that at least 10% of their energy requirements are from decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources. Where developers cannot meet this requirement, the Council will require robust professional evidence to demonstrate why this is not feasible or viable. The Council will also encourage the incorporation of combined heat and power schemes. |
The two sites listed below and shown on the Proposals Map are designated as a Major Developed Site in the Green Belt. Proposals will be considered in relation to national guidance to ensure that development has no greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development.
- Land at Amersham and Wycombe College Site, Lycrome Road, Chesham (SHLAA Site 108). New development on this site must provide for access to the adjoining playing fields from Lycrome Road.
- Land at Newland Park, Chalfont Common (SHLAA Site 109). New development at Newland Park must:
● Conserve and enhance the Chilterns AONB;
● Improve biodiversity;
● Not harm the Chiltern Open Air Museum;
● Preserve and enhance the listed building on site;
● Incorporate multifunctional green infrastructure
● Retain and enhance recreational facilities.
The Council will aim to achieve the following targets for the provision of affordable housing. In new developments which contain 15 dwellings or more, at least 40% of dwellings within the development shall be affordable. In developments with less than 15 dwellings, there should be:
- At least four affordable housing units on sites which have 12 to 14 dwellings;
- At least three affordable housing units on sites of 10 or 11 dwellings;
- At least two affordable housing units on sites of 8 or 9 dwellings;
- At least one affordable housing unit on sites of 5 to 7 dwellings;
- On sites of 1 to 4 dwellings, a financial contribution for each new dwelling towards the provision of affordable housing elsewhere in the District.
The Council recognises that there will be occasions where it is not financially viable for developers to meet the targets in this policy. Where these targets cannot be met the Council will require clear evidence to demonstrate why it is not viable to do so. The Council will review this evidence and where appropriate will negotiate with the developer to establish the affordable housing content or contribution that can be secured without the scheme viability being compromised.
On rural exception sites as described in Policy CS9, all the dwellings must be affordable. |
Exceptionally, land adjoining or closely related to the existing built - up areas of settlements or villages, which would otherwise be considered inappropriate for development, may be developed in order to provide affordable housing for the community.
The conditions are that:
- There is an established need;
- The housing comprises 100% affordable housing;
- The housing is provided for people with a strong and demonstrable local
- onnection;
- The housing remains affordable in perpetuity;
- The development is small-scale, no greater than required to meet the current need and respects the setting, form and character of the settlement and the surrounding landscape.
The Council will work with Registered Providers, Parish Councils, Buckinghamshire Rural Housing Partnership and other stakeholders to help to bring about successful rural exception schemes. |
The Councils Strategy in relation to affordable housing is to seek a mix of a minimum of 70% social rented and a maximum of 30% shared ownership (or other intermediate housing option). This strategy will be reviewed from time to time within the Councils Strategic Housing Framework, which will take into account national guidance and legislation and local circumstances. The appropriate mix in any particular development will be considered in the context of viability and local circumstances. |
The Council will seek and promote the following mix in respect of the affordable element of housing schemes:
- Where less than 10 affordable dwellings are proposed they should all be one and two bedroom dwellings;
- Where 10-14 affordable dwellings are proposed one three bedroom dwelling shall be provided with the remainder being one and two bedroom dwellings;
- Where 15-19 affordable dwellings are proposed two three bedroom dwellings shall be provided with the remainder being one and two bedroom dwellings;
- Where 20 or more affordable dwellings are proposed 20% of those dwellings shall have three bedrooms with the remainder having one and two bedrooms.
These are guideline figures. The Council will consider varying the percentages on a site by site basis depending on site specific issues or local housing needs. |
Within Amersham/Amersham-on-the-Hill, Little Chalfont, Chesham and Chalfont St Peter, the Council and its partners will encourage the provision of extra-care homes, specialist housing for the elderly and housing and supported living accommodation designed for people with disabilities including for those with dementia and mental health problems. In identifying sites and/or determining planning applications, regard will be had to the following factors:
- the need for a location within the built-up area of the towns, close to shops, health and community facilities;
- the potential for development to be self-contained;
- the availability of public transport to reduce travel requirements.
Promoters of schemes for extra-care homes should take account of the desirability of incorporating facilities set out in this Strategy. The requirements for affordable housing as set out in Policy CS8, must be met wherever dwellings, as defined in Use Class C3 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended), are built. |
Land at the NSE site Chalfont St Peter as shown on the Proposals Map is designated as a Major Developed Site within the Green Belt as defined by PPG2. Any redevelopment or infilling which may be proposed on the site will be considered in relation to the guidelines set out in Annex C of PPG2 in order to ensure that development has no greater impact than the existing development on the openness of the Green Belt. Any redevelopment must be compatible with the continuing occupation of parts of the site by the NSE for care and medical use. Development must preserve and enhance the listed buildings on the Site. |
Sites for Gypsies and Travellers and sites for Travelling Show People in Chiltern will be allocated in the Delivery Development Plan Document (DPD). Site suitability will be assessed against relevant policies in this Core Strategy and other relevant guidance and policy. There is a general presumption against inappropriate development within the Green Belt. New Gypsy and Traveller sites, and sites for Travelling Showpeople constitute inappropriate development within the Green Belt as defined in Planning Policy Guidance 2 (PPG2) Green Belts. If it is found that no suitable or deliverable sites can be allocated within settlement areas excluded from the Green Belt to meet the identified need for new sites, the Council will allocate sites for additional pitches within the Green Belt. In very special circumstances, consideration may be given to granting permanent planning permission on Green Belt sites which already have an extant temporary permission. |
The Council will work with key stakeholders to encourage and support SMART economic growth through measures such as:
- making more efficient use of existing land and premises, especially those suitable for occupation by small businesses and encouraging the implementation of planning permissions granted for additional floorspace;
- better use of information and communication technology, including high speed broadband access to all properties;
- supporting working from home, balancing immediate impact on residential amenity against wider environmental impacts caused by journeys to work;
- Working with partners to develop skills.
The Council will aim to secure the long-term retention of a portfolio of employment sites and premises within the District which are attractive to the market and which will provide a range of jobs to meet local needs.
The redevelopment of existing employment sites and premises for employment use to make more efficient use of sites and provide modern premises attractive to the market will be encouraged. Mixed use schemes will be acceptable where these would facilitate appropriate amounts and types of employment uses on the site.
The continued designation, role and boundaries of sites currently covered by Policies E2 and E3 in the Adopted Chiltern District Local Plan will be reviewed in the Delivery DPD to achieve a balanced portfolio of fit for purpose sites attractive to the market. Pending the above review of sites, and subject to the application of the sequential test for any proposed town centre uses, proposals for economic development on these sites will be assessed on a case by case basis in the light of the scale and nature of the uses, their location within the site and the degree to which they would be compatible with, or complementary to, the existing business use in that location and consistent with the integrity and function of the location for employment purposes.
The policies applying to any defined sites will be reviewed in the Delivery DPD.
Changes of an employment use to residential use will be acceptable on the upper floors of properties within the three District Shopping Centres as defined on the Proposals Map.
Where an employment site (including sites covered by policies E2 and E3) is within the built-up areas excluded from the Green Belt, the loss of employment land as a result of redevelopment for other uses, including residential use, will be acceptable where there is no reasonable prospect of the site being used for employment purposes, or where it is creating significant amenity issues, or where the existing use is creating significant highway problems.
For the purpose of this policy economic development includes development within the B Use Classes (as defined in the Use Classes Order), public and community uses and town centre uses. |
Land at Chalfont Grove, as shown on the Proposals Map, is designated as a Major Developed Site within the Green Belt. Any redevelopment or infilling which may be proposed on the site will be considered in relation to national guidance in order to ensure that development has no greater impact than the existing development on the openness of the Green Belt. The site shall be retained in employment use within Use Classes B1, B2 or B8 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended. |
Within the District Shopping Centres of Amersham-on-the-Hill, Chesham and Chalfont St Peter defined on the adopted Proposals Map, development for new retail, leisure, entertainment, arts, cultural facilities and tourist attractions will be promoted and/or supported as long as it:
- enhances or maintains the range and quality of local facilities
- adds to the vitality and viability of the area;
- is in keeping with the scale and character of the surrounding buildings and the locality;
- contributes to the maintenance of a safe environment;
- retains any existing ground floor retail floorspace and retail frontage;
- does not involve any net loss of residential accommodation.
The aim is to seek development which, wherever possible, incorporates an appropriate mix of uses. Residential use of upper floors of buildings will be supported and encouraged. In line with policy CS16, changes of use of an employment use to residential use will be acceptable on the upper floors of properties in the three District Shopping Centres of Amersham-on-the-Hill, Chesham and Chalfont St Peter, as defined on the Proposals Map. |
The Council will seek to develop a sustainable rural economy by:
- Supporting proposals for agricultural diversification where this will benefit the local community and not conflict with policies relating to conserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the AONB, maintaining the openness of the Green Belt, or adversely impact on the quality of life;
- Allowing existing, lawful, suitably constructed, buildings in the Green Belt to be re-used for commercial purposes in cases where this complies with other policies in the development plan and relevant national policy and guidance.
- Supporting appropriate development of infill sites and previously developed land within the settlement development boundaries of villages;
- Encouraging working at home
- Supporting the development of high speed broadband access to all properties
The Council will require that new development within the District is of a high standard of design which reflects and respects the character of the surrounding area and those features which contribute to local distinctiveness. All development proposals will be assessed against the design advice set out in national policy, particularly those elements highlighted in paragraph 13.2 above, but also in accordance with the Chilterns Buildings Design Guide and supporting technical papers relating to materials. The Council will also encourage new dwellings to be designed to include Lifetime Homes principles so that they can be readily adapted to meet the needs of those with disabilities and the elderly. |
Within the main built-up areas of the District there are areas of the settlements where the Council would not expect to see much change. These areas will be defined in the Delivery DPD. These areas have an established character and often a spacious layout with established planting forming a green appearance to the street scene. Within them, the Council would expect development, including extensions, to:
- Maintain and/or improve local character;
- Be well integrated with, and complement, the neighbouring buildings and local area;
- Protect the historic environment;
- Be of an appropriate scale - the size and design and external appearance of any new development should be compatible with the character of existing dwellings in the vicinity of the development site;
- Exhibit a density which respects surrounding development;
- Have a layout which is in line with the surrounding area - any new plots should be similar in size and width to those in the vicinity of the site and the position of any proposed dwelling on the plot and spacing between dwellings should match the prevailing character of development in the area;
- Have access taken from an existing road fronting the proposed plot allowing the building line to the existing road to be maintained;
- Retain features such as established landscaping which are important in the local street scene and which should be maintained and or enhanced in any development proposal.
The principles to be followed in the Chilterns AONB are that:
- All proposals must conserve and enhance the special landscape character, heritage, distinctiveness of the Chilterns AONB;
- All proposals must protect the setting of the AONB and safeguard views into and out of the area;
- Schemes which facilitate the environmental, economic and social well being of the AONB and its communities will generally be supported;
- Means of access to enable the enjoyment of the area, other than by car, will be encouraged;
- Applications for development will be assessed against the broad aims set out in the current Management Plan;
- Development proposals must be in accordance with the Chilterns Buildings Design Guide and Technical Papers relating to materials.
The Delivery DPD will review:
- Whether any of the settlements within the Green Belt should be removed from the Green Belt;
- The boundaries of the identified settlements and rows of dwellings within the Green Belt which would remain in the Green Belt;
- The policy applicable to the settlements and rows of dwellings which remain in the Green Belt which will supersede local plan policies GB4 and GB5.
The Council will aim to conserve and enhance biodiversity within the District. In particular
- the Council will work with its partners to protect and enhance legally protected species and all sites and networks of habitats of international, national, regional or local importance for wildlife or geology.
- development proposals should protect biodiversity and provide for the long-term management, enhancement, restoration and, if possible, expansion of biodiversity, by aiming to restore or create suitable semi-natural habitats and ecological networks to sustain wildlife. This will be in accordance with the Buckinghamshire Biodiversity Action Plan as well as the aims of the Biodiversity Opportunity Areas and the Chiltern AONB Management Plan.
- where development proposals are permitted, provision will be made to safeguard and where possible enhance any ecological interest.
- where, in exceptional circumstances, development outweighs any adverse effect upon the biodiversity of the site and there are no reasonable alternative sites available, replacement habitat of higher quality will be provided through mitigation and/or compensation to achieve a net gain in biodiversity.
The Delivery DPD will indicate on maps the location of the various sites mentioned above as required by PPS9.
Development proposals shall be consistent with, and contribute to, the implementation of the agreed transport strategies and priorities set out in the Buckinghamshire Local Transport Plan 3 (2011-16). Chiltern District Council will work with Buckinghamshire County Council and other relevant agencies to:
- Where feasible, ensure that planned development in Chiltern District will not adversely impact the transport network.
- Assess the impact of development proposals on the transport network, including public transport, traffic flows, air quality, accessibility levels and road safety. Provision for any necessary improvements or mitigation measures to reduce any negative impacts must be secured prior to final occupation of the development.
- Identify and safeguard planned public transport, walking, cycling and road improvement lines from other development.
Development proposals will be expected to:
- Provide safe, convenient and attractive access on foot and by cycle, making suitable connections with existing footways, public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and cycle ways, local facilities and public transport so as to maximise opportunities to use these modes;
- Ensure that the convenient use and enjoyment of existing public rights of way, such as footpaths and bridleways and restricted byways, are not affected by development;
- Integrate with local public transport services and also where appropriate provide direct routes protected from traffic congestion, interchange, stops and waiting areas;
- Be appropriately located to the road network and provide satisfactory vehicular access(es) to and from the area of development so that the convenience, safety, and free flow of traffic using public highways (including pedestrians, riders and cyclists) are not adversely affected;
- Provide appropriate and effective vehicular and cycle parking and servicing arrangements;
- Ensure that all vehicular traffic generated by future development does not materially increase traffic problems, for example, congestion and local air quality, taking account of off-site improvements or contributions towards them which may be secured;
- Secure the preparation and implementation of measures which minimise and manage parking and travel demand, including as appropriate travel plans, parking management plans and car clubs;
- Ensure that developments will be served by adequate infrastructure capacity in terms of water supply, foul drainage, waste water and sewage treatment, high speed broadband access and other utilities, without leading to problems for existing users.
The Council will work with its partners in the health and social care sector to ensure a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of appropriate health and social care facilities in the District. Partners will identify where additional health and social care provision may be needed in the District and to identify shortfalls in the provision of services to meet the needs of older and disabled people within the District. Where appropriate, land allocations will be made in the Delivery DPD to support this. |
The Council will aim to prevent the loss of existing public leisure and recreational facilities within the District. Where a need for improvements or new facilities is identified the Council will work with partners to find ways of delivering these improvements. New development must provide for the recreational needs of the new communities including public open space and play areas. Two allocated Strategic Housing sites and two Major Developed sites in this Strategy, the Donkey Field, Little Chalfont, the Holy Cross Convent Site, Chalfont St Peter, Newland Park, Chalfont Common and Amersham and Wycombe College, Chesham, will be required to provide open space as part of the developments. |
Policy CS29: COMMUNITY |
The Councils strategy to ensure inclusiveness within its local communities includes the following:
- Only to permit the loss of community facilities in exceptional circumstances.
- To encourage the provision of community facilities in areas of the District where there is an identified need. An option would be to consider policy exceptions to encourage such facilities to be provided.
- To locate new development near to existing community infrastructure, frequent and reliable public transport services and main transport routes.
- To work with local communities and partners to help deliver the key priorities identified within the Community Cohesion Plan.
- To work with local communities and partners to overcome the shortfalls in services and facilities for an ageing population, including consideration as to whether the Council should be more positive through the LDF process about encouraging the provision of care homes, specialist housing for the elderly and day centre facilities, with the aid of site allocations where appropriate.
- To work with local communities and partners to ensure that local facilities, such as local public houses, local general stores and post offices remain open.
The Council will work with local partners to reduce crime and fear of crime in the District. The Council will encourage new development which has been designed so as to minimise criminal activity and support development proposals aimed specifically at improving community safety. |
Infrastructure will be required to serve the requirements of the District's residents and businesses. New development proposals must ensure that adequate infrastructure capacity is available to meet the needs of future occupiers and not intensify existing deficiencies, in accordance with details set out in the Council's Delivery DPD and Infrastructure Delivery Plan. The necessary infrastructure should be put in place in a timely manner, and, where appropriate, prior to the occupation of the development. The Council will work closely with statutory undertakers and infrastructure providers in the District to identify solutions to remedy existing infrastructure deficiencies and to ensure that the infrastructure requirements of new development are met. If the need is identified, the Council will seek financial contributions from new development to help meet infrastructure provision in the District. Infrastructure requirements will be dealt with in more detail in the Delivery DPD. |
Together with its partners, the District Council will identify, protect and enhance strategic green infrastructure assets in the District. Where green infrastructure is brought forward alongside new development, or where development is deemed to sever existing assets, opportunities will be sought to connect provision to surrounding green infrastructure in line with the Buckinghamshire Green Infrastructure Strategy (April 2009). |
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