Carmarthenshire Local Development Plan

Appendix 3 - Supplementary Planning Guidance

It is considered that this LDP contains sufficient policies and proposals to provide the basis for the determination of planning applications along with any conditions attached to those permissions (LDP: Wales – Para 5.1). The Council will, where necessary and appropriate, utilise SPG as a means of setting out more detailed thematic or site specific guidance on how the policies of the LDP will be applied. Such SPG, whilst not forming part of the development plan, will be consistent with the LDP. For information, SPG may consist of guidance on a range of specific topics and may be prepared in a number of alternative forms or guises from site specific guidance, design guides etc. through to elaborative policy statements.

Where SPG is to be prepared it will be the subject of a formal consultation exercise prior to adoption. A statement of consultation and details of representations received will be issued with the approved SPG.

The following sets out the commitments to SPG identified within this Deposit LDP. It also provides an indicative schedule for their preparation. Where appropriate the scheduling will be reviewed in light of changes in priority, requirement for earlier preparation and in reflecting emerging of issues and considerations. Additional requirements for SPG may also be identified over and above that contained in the list below during the plan period.

Supplementary Planning Guidance Indicative Date for Production
Affordable Housing Adopted
Caeau Mynydd Mawr SAC Adopted
Welsh Language Adopted
Planning Obligations Adopted
Adaptation and Re-Use of Buildings in Rural areas for Residential Development Adopted
Design Within 5 months of adoption
SUDS Within 5 months of adoption
Nantycaws Waste Management Site Within 5 months of adoption
Landscape and SLA design guide Within 7 months of adoption
Archaeology Within 7 months of adoption
General Renewable Energy Within 9 months of adoption
Rural Enterprise Within 9 months of adoption
Biodiversity (including SINCs) Within 12 months of adoption (continually monitored pending ongoing designations)
Locally Important Buildings Within 15 months of adoption
Trees, Landscaping and Development Within 15 months of adoption
Open Space Requirements for New Developments Within 15 months of adoption
Site specific Development Briefs Ongoing

Table 13 – Supplementary Planning Guidance


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